
Papers in refereed journals

  • Kiesmüller, G.P., Inderfurth,K. (2018) Approaches for periodic inventory control under random production yield and fixed setup cost, Operations Research Spectrum 40, pp. 449-474  (DOI 10.1007/s00291-017-0489-8)
  • ­­­­­­­­Helber, S., Inderfurth, K. , Sahling, F., Schimmelpfeng, K. (2018)  Flexible vs. robust lot scheduling subject to random production yield and deterministic dynamic demand, IISE Transactions 50, pp. 217-229 (DOI 10.1080/24725854.2017.1357089)
  • Inderfurth, K., Kelle, P., Kleber, R. (2018) Inventory control in dual sourcing commodity procurement with price correlation, Central European Journal of Operations Research 26, pp. 93-119 (DOI 10.1007/s10100-017-0475-x)
  • Inderfurth, K., Langella, I.M., Transchel, S., Vogelgesang, S. (2017) A heuristic solution method for disassemble-to-order problems with binomial disassembly yields, International Journal of Production Economics, 185, pp. 266-274 (DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.006)
  • Clemens, J., Inderfurth, K. (2015) Supply chain coordination by contracts under binomial production yield, Business Research 8, 301-332 (DOI 10.1007/s40685-015-0023-2)
  • Inderfurth, K., Vogelgesang, S., Langella, I.M. (2015) How yield process misspecification affects the solution of disassemble-to-order problems, International Journal of Production Economics 169, pp. 56-67 (DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.07.016)
  • Inderfurth, K., Kiesmüller, G.P. (2015) Exact and heuristic linear-inflation policies for an inventory model with random yield and arbitrary lead times, European Journal of Operational Research 245, 109-120 (DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.03.006)
  • Hartwig, R., Inderfurth, K., Sadrieh, A., Voigt, G. (2015) Strategic Inventory and Supply Chain Behavior. Production and Operations Management, 24 (8) pp. 1329-1345 (DOI 10.1111/poms.12325)
  • Inderfurth, K., Clemens, J. (2014) Supply chain coordination by risk sharing contracts under random production yield and deterministic demand. OR Spectrum, 36 (2) pp. 525-556 (DOI:10.1007/s00291-012-0314-3)
  • Inderfurth, K., Vogelgesang, S. (2013) Concepts for Safety Stock Determination under Stochastic Demand and Different Types of Random Production Yield. European Journal of Operational Research 224, pp. 293-301 (DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2012.07.040)
  • Inderfurth, K., Sadrieh, A., Voigt, G. (2013) The Impact of Information Sharing on Supply Chain Performance in Case of Asymmetric Information. Production & Operations Management 22(2), pp. 410-425 (DOI 10.1111/j.1937-5956.2012.01372.x)
  • Inderfurth, K., Kelle, P., Kleber, R. (2012) Dual Sourcing Using Capacity Reservation and Spot Market: Optimal Procurement Policy and Heuristic Parameter Determination. European Journal of Operational Research 225(2), S. 298-309 (DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2012.08.025)
  •  Inderfurth, K., Kleber, R. (2012) An Advanced Heuristic for Multiple-Option Spare Parts Procurement after End-of-Production, Production and Operations Management 22(1), pp. 54-70 (DOI 10.1111/j.1937-5956.2012.01358.x)
  •  Inderfurth, K., Voigt, G. (2012) Supply chain coordination with information sharing in the presence of trust and trustworthiness, IIE Transactions 44, pp. 637-654
  • Inderfurth, K., Kelle, P. (2011) Capacity Reservation under Spot Market Price Uncertainty, International Journal of Production Economics 133(1), pp. 272-279
  •  Voigt, G., Inderfurth, K. (2011) Supply Chain Coordination and Setup Cost Reduction in Case of Asymmetric Information, OR Spectrum 33, pp. 99-122
  • Inderfurth, K., Kleber, R. (2009) Modellgestützte Flexibilitätsanalyse von Strategien zur Ersatzteilversorgung in der Nachserienphase, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 9, pp. 1019-1049
  • Inderfurth, K. (2009) How to Protect Against Demand and Yield Risks in MRP Systems, International Journal of Production Economics 121, pp. 474-481
  • Inderfurth, K., Mukherjee, K. (2008) Decision Support Systems for Spare Parts Acquisition in Post Product Life Cycle, Central European Journal of Operations Research 16(1), pp. 17-42
  • Inderfurth, K., Transchel, S. (2007) Note on "Myopic Heuristics for the Random Yield Problem", Operations Research 55(6), pp. 1183-1186
  • Inderfurth, K., Kovalyov, M.Y., Ng, C.T.D., Werner, F. (2007) Cost Minimizing Scheduling of Work and Rework Processes on a Single Facility under Deterioration of Reworkables, International Journal of Production Economics 105(2), pp. 345-356
  • Inderfurth, K., Langella, I.M. (2006) Heuristics for Solving Disassemble-to-order Problems with Stochastic Yields, OR Spectrum 28(1), pp. 73-99
  • Inderfurth, K., Janiak, K.A., Kovalyov, M.Y., Werner, F. (2006) Batching Work and Rework Processes with Limited Deterioration of Reworkables, Computers and Operations Research 33(6), pp. 1595-1605
  • Inderfurth, K. (2005) Stochastische Bestandsdisposition in integrierten Produktions- und Recyclingsystemen, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 4 (Special Issue): Reverse Logistics II, pp. 29-56
  • Inderfurth, K. (2005) Impact of Uncertainties on Recovery Behavior in a Remanufacturing Environment: A Numerical Analysis, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 35(5), pp. 318-336
  • Inderfurth, K., Lindner, G., Rachaniotis, N.P. (2005) Lotsizing in a Production System with Rework and Product Deterioration, International Journal of Production Research 43(7), pp. 1355-1374
  • Inderfurth, K. (2004) Analytical Solution for a Single-period Production-inventory Problem with Uniformly Distributed Yield and Demand, Central European Journal of Operations Research 12, pp. 117-127
  • Inderfurth, K. (2004) Optimal Policies in Hybrid Manufacturing/Remanufacturing Systems with Product Substitution, International Journal of Production Economics 90(3), pp. 325-343
  • Inderfurth, K., Broekmeulen, R.A.C.M., Flapper, S.D.P., Fransoo, J.C. (2002) Planning and Control of Rework in the Process Industries: A Review, Production Planning and Control 13, pp. 26-34
  • Inderfurth, K. (2002) Christoph Schneeweiß: 65 Jahre, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf) 54, pp. 273 - 276
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Schwanke, C. (2001) Rechnergestütztes logistisches Netzwerk für die Instandhaltung, VDI-Zeitschrift 143, pp. 83-86
  • Inderfurth, K., Flapper, S.D.P., de Kok, A.G. (2001) Product Recovery Policies in Stochastic Remanufacturing Systems with Multiple Reuse Options, European Journal of Operational Research 133, pp. 130-152
  • Inderfurth, K., van der Laan, E.A. (2001) Leadtime Effects and Policy Improvement for Stochastic Inventory Control with Remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Economics 71, pp. 381-390
  • Inderfurth, K., van der Laan, E.A., Teunter, R. (2000) How to Set the Holding Cost Rates in Average Cost Inventory Models with Reverse Logistics?, Omega 28, pp. 409-415
  • Inderfurth, K. (1998) Zum Vergleich von Konzepten und Regeln zur Materialflusssteuerung in logistischen Ketten, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 68, pp. 627-643
  • Inderfurth, K., Minner, S. (1998) Safety Stocks in Multi-Stage Inventory Systems under Different Service Measures, European Journal of Operational Research 106, pp. 57-73
  • Inderfurth, K., de Kok, A.G. (1997) Nervousness in Inventory Management: Comparison of Basic Control Rules, European Journal of Operational Research 103, pp. 55-82
  • Inderfurth, K., Jensen, Th. (1997) Planungsnervosität im Rahmen der Produktionsplanung, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 67, pp. 817-843
  • Inderfurth, K. (1997) Simple Optimal Replenishment and Disposal Policies for a Product Recovery System with Leadtimes, OR Spektrum 19, pp. 111-122
  • Inderfurth, K., van Houtum, G.J., Zijm, W.H.M. (1996) Materials Coordination in Stochastic Multi-Echelon Systems, European Journal of Operational Research 95, pp. 1-23
  • Inderfurth, K., Schefer, R. (1996) Analysis of Order-up-to-S Inventory Policies under Cash Flow Market Value Maximization, International Journal of Production Economics 46-47, pp. 323-338
  • Inderfurth, K. (1995) Multi-Stage Safety Stock Planning with Item Demand Correlated Across Products and Through Time, Production and Operations Management 4, pp. 127-144


Articles in books

  • Inderfurth, K. (2016) Safety Stocks in Centralized and Decentralized Supply Chains under Different Types of Random Yields. In: David, H., Doerner, K.F., Feichtinger, G., Kort, P.M., Seidl, A. (eds.), Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making, pp. 279-300, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg

  • Inderfurth, K. (2016) Produktionstheoretische Überlegungen zur Berücksichtigung von Ausbeuteunsicherheit in Fertigungsprozessen. In: Ahn, H., Clermont, M., Souren, R. (eds.), Nachhaltiges Entscheiden, pp.177-197, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Kleber, R., Inderfurth, K., Kelle, P. (2015) Combined Sourcing and Inventory Management Using Capacity Reservation and Spot Market, in: Vastag, G. (eds.), Research in the Decision Sciences for Global Business, pp. 321-334, Pearson
  • Inderfurth, K. (2014) Zum Einfluss unsicherer Produktionsausbeute auf Losgrößen und Sicherheitsbestände. In: Gössinger, R. und Zäpfel, G. (eds.), Management integrativer Leistungserstellung, pp. 507-524, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Langella, I.M., Transchel, S., Vogelgesang, S. (2013) A Heuristic Approach for the Disassemble-to-order Problem under Binomial Yields. In: Tempelmeier, H., Kuhn, H., (eds.), Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, pp. 71-77, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt
  • Puttkammer, K., Kleber, R., Schulz, T., Inderfurth, K. (2011) Simultane Maschinenbelegungs- und Personaleinsatzplanung in KMUs anhand eines Beispiels aus der Druckereibranche. In: Sucky, E., Asdecker, B., Dobhan, A., Haas, S., Wiese, J. (eds.) Logistikmanagement: Herausforderungen, Chancen und Lösungen (Band I), pp. 229-247, University of Bamberg Press, Bamberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Clemens, J. (2011) The Effects of Wholesale Price Contracts for Supply Chain Coordination under Stochastic Yield. In: Hu, B., Morasch, K., Pickl, S., Siegle, M. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2010, pp. 447-452, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Vogelgesang, S. (2011) Parameters for Production/Inventory Control in the Case of Stochastic Demand and Different Types of Yield Randomness. In: Hu, B., Morasch, K., Pickl, S., Siegle, M. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2010, pp. 453-458, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K. (2011) About the Policy Structure for a Stochastic Product Recovery Problem with Remanufacturing and Procurement Lead Times. In: Gobsch, B., Käschel, J., Vörös, J. (eds.) Supply Chain and Corporate Environmental Management, pp. 81-94, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Schulz, T. (2010) Lagerkennlinien in mehrstufigen Logistiksystemen. In: Schönberger, R., Elbert, R. (eds.) Dimensionen der Logistik, pp. 247-262, Gabler, Wiesbaden
  • Inderfurth, K., Schulz, T. (2009) Zur Erweiterung der Kennlinientheorie auf mehrstufige Lagersysteme. In: Fleischmann, B., Borgwardt, K.H., Klein, R., Tuma, A. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2008, pp. 197-202, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Voigt, G. (2009) Setup cost reduction and supply chain coordination in case of asymmetric information. In: Fleischmann, B., Borgwardt, K.H., Klein, R., Tuma, A. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2008, pp. 203-208, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Kleber, R., Inderfurth, K. (2009) A heuristic approach for integrating product recovery into post PLC spare parts procurement. In: Fleischmann, B., Borgwardt, K.H., Klein, R., Tuma, A. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2008, pp. 209-214, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Kleber, R. (2008) Ersatzteilversorgungsstrategien im After Sales-Geschäft: Risikobeherrschung durch Flexibilität. In: Pfohl, H.-C., Wimmer, T. (eds.) Robuste und sichere Logistiksysteme, pp. 347-360, DVV, Hamburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Schulz, T. (2008) Zur Analyse von Lagerkennlinien. In: Inderfurth, K., Neumann, G., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Ziems, D. (eds.) Netzwerklogistik, pp. 295-310, Logisch GmbH
  • Inderfurth, K., Schulz, T. (2008) Zur Optimalen Parametrisierung der Lagerkennlinie nach Nyhuis/Wiendahl. In: Nyhuis, P. (eds.) Beiträge zu einer Theorie der Logistik, pp. 157-183, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Langella, I.M. (2008) Planning Disassembly for Remanufacture-to-order Systems. In: Gupta, S.M., Lambert, A.J.D. (eds.) Environment Conscious Manufacturing, pp. 387-411, CRC-Press, Boston
  • Inderfurth, K., Jensen, T. (2008) Lagerbestandsmanagement. In: Arnold D., Kuhn, A., Furmans, K., Isermann, H., Tempelmeier, H. (eds.) Handbuch Logistik, 3rd ed., pp. 153-167, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Kleber, R. (2007) Heuristic Approach for Inventory Control of Spare Parts after End-of-Production. In: Otto, A., Obermaier, R. (eds.) Logistikmanagement - Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung logistischer Systeme, pp. 185-200, DUV, Wiesbaden
  • Inderfurth, K., Schulz, T. (2007) Zur Exaktheit der Lagerkennlinie nach Nyhuis und Wiendahl. In: Otto, A., Obermaier, R. (eds.) Logistikmanagement - Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung logistischer Systeme, pp. 23-49, DUV, Wiesbaden
  • Inderfurth, K., Schulz, T. (2007) Lagerhaltungstheoretische Analyse der Lagerkennlinien nach Nyhuis/Wiendahl. In: Corsten, H., Missbauer, H. (eds.) Produktions- und Logistikmanagement, pp. 287-317, Vahlen, München
  • Inderfurth, K., (2006) Risk and Safety Stock Management in Production Planning and Inventory Control with Stochastic Demand and Yield. In: Morlock, M., Schwindt, C., Trautmann, N., Zimmermann, J. (eds.) Perspectives on Operations Research: Essays in Honor of Klaus Neumann, pp. 277-292, DUV, Wiesbaden
  • Inderfurth, K., Neidlein, I. (2006) Langfristige Lieferkontrakte bei unsicherer Nachfrage und risikobehafteten kurzfristigen Beschaffungsoptionen. In: Jacquemin, M., Pibernik, R., Sucky, E., (eds.) Quantitative Methoden der Logistik und des Supply Chain Management, pp. 291-318, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg
  • Inderfurth, K., (2005) Incorporating Demand and Yield Uncertainty in Advanced MRP Systems. In: Lasch, R., Janker, C.G. (eds.) Logistik Management: innovative Logistikkonzepte, pp. 271-280, DUV, Wiesbaden
  • Inderfurth, K., Kleber, R, Minner, S., Teunter, R.H. (2005) Reverse Logistics in a Pharmaceutical Company: The Schering Case. In: Flapper, S.D.P. et al. (eds.) Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains, pp. 21-31, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Gotzel, C. (2005) Approximate Policies for Hybrid Production and Rework Systems with Stochastic Demand and Yield. In: Fleuren, H. et al. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2004, pp. 41-49, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Langella, I.M. (2004) An Approach for Solving Disassemble-to-order Problems under Stochastic Yields. In: Spengler, T., Voß, S., Kopfer, H. (eds.) Logistik Management: Prozesse, Systeme, Ausbildung, pp. 309-331, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K., Gotzel, C. (2004) Policy Approximation for the Production Inventory Problem with Stochastic Demand, Stochastic Yield and Production Leadtime. In: Ahr, D. et al. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2003, pp. 71-78, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Flapper, S.D.P., Lambert, A.J.D., Pappis, C.P., Voutsinas, T.G. (2004) Production Planning for Product Recovery Management. In: Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., van Wassenhove, L.N. (eds.) Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, pp. 249-274, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., van Wassenhove, L.N. (2004) Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics Decision Making. In: Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., van Wassenhove, L.N. (eds.) Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, pp. 29-41, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K. (2003) Production Recovery Behavior in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain. In: Dyckhoff, H. et al. (eds.) Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics, pp. 91-113, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Lindner, G., Rahaniotis, N.P. (2003) Lotsizing in a Production System with Rework and Product Deterioration. In: Leopold-Wildburger, U. et al. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2002, pp. 102-107, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Teunter, R.H. (2003) Production Planning and Control of Closed-Loop Supply Chains. In: Guide, V.D.R., van Wassenhove, L.N. (eds.) Business Prospectives on Closed Loop Supply Chains, pp. 149-173, Carnegie Mellon University Press, Pittsburgh
  • Inderfurth, K., Gotzel, C. (2002) Performance of MRP in Product Recovery Systems with Demand, Return and Leadtime Uncertainties. In: Klose, A. et al. (eds.)  Quantitative Approaches to Distribution Logistics and Supply Chain Management, pp. 99-114, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K. (2002) Risikomanagement in der Supply Chain. In: Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik der BVL, pp. 397-406, München
  • Inderfurth, K., Jensen, T. (2002) Lagerbestandsmanagement. In: Arnold, D. et al. (eds.) Handbuch Logistik, pp. A3/62-A3/77, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K. (2002) Optimal Coordination of Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Decisions in Case of Product Substitution. In: Chamoni, P. et al. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2001, pp. 135-139, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Minner, S. (2001) Produktion und Logistik. In: Jost P.J. (eds.) Die Spieltheorie in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, pp. 307-349, Stuttgart
  • Inderfurth, K., Flapper, S.D.P., de Kok, A.G. (2001) Stochastische Dispositionsregeln zum Produktrecycling bei mehrerer Wiederverwendungsalternativen. In: Fleischmann, B. et al. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 2000, pp. 306-309, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Dekker, R., van der Laan, E.A. (2001) A Review on Inventory Control for Joint Manufacturing and Remanufacturing. In: Binder, Z. (eds.) Management and Control of Production and Logistics 2000, Vol I, pp. 235-240, Pergamon
  • Inderfurth, K., Jensen, T. (1999) Analysis of MRP Policies with Recovery Options. In: Leopold-Wildburger, U. et al. (eds.) Modelling and Decisions in Economics, pp. 189-228, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
  • Inderfurth, K. (1999) Neue Aufgaben und Lösungsansätze der Produktionsplanung bei Produktrecycling. In: Wildemann, H. (eds.) Produktion und Controlling, pp. 141-154, Transfer-Centrum-Verlag, München
  • Inderfurth, K. (1999) Lagerhaltungsmodelle. In: Weber, J., Baumgarten, H. (eds.) Handbuch Logistik: Management von Material- und Warenflussprozessen, pp. 349-366, Stuttgart
  • Inderfurth, K. (1998) Beschaffungskonzepte. In: Isermann, H. (eds.) Logistik: Gestaltung von Logistiksystemen, 2nd ed., pp. 197-211, Landsberg
  • Inderfurth, K. (1998) Neuere Ansätze zur Produktionsplanung und -steuerung unter Einbeziehung von Recycling. In: Kischka, P. et al. (eds.) Operations Research Proceedings 1997, pp. 446-455, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Meier-Barthold, D. (1996) Stock control of finished goods in a pharmaceutical company. In: Fortuin, L. et al. (eds.) OR at work, pp. 53-66, London
  • Inderfurth, K. (1996) Lagerhaltungsmodelle. In: Kern, W. et al. (eds.) Handwörterbuch der Produktionswirtschaft, 2nd ed., pp. 1024-1037, Stuttgart
  • Inderfurth, K. (1995) Verkürzung von Durchlaufzeiten in der Fertigung: Quantitative Analyse der Wirkungen auf Kosten und Lieferservice. In: Bol, G. et al. (eds.) Das Potential von Lean-Techniken in der Kraftfahrzeugwirtschaft, pp. 119-135, Frankfurt a.M.



  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Zadek, H., Ziems, D. (2009) Sustainable Logistics, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Neumann G., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Ziems, D. (2008) Netzwerklogistik, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Neumann G., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Ziems, D. (2006) Sicherung von Prozessketten, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Neumann G., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Ziems, D. (2005) Intelligente Logistikprozesse: Konzepte, Lösungen, Erfahrungen, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Neumann G., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Ziems, D. (2004) Logistikqualität, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., van Wassenhove, L.N. (2005) Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Wäscher, G., Ziems, D. (2003) Logistikplanung und -management, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Ziems, D. (2002) Logistikplanung und -management, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Ziems, D. (2001) Logistikplanung im e-Zeitalter, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Haasis, H.-D., Spengler, T. (2001) Operations Research in Environmental Management, Special Issue of Operations Research Spektrum, Vol. 23, No. 1, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Ziems, D. (2000) Logistik 2000plus - Herausforderungen, Trends, Konzepte, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Domschke, W., Juhnke F., Kleinschmidt, P., Schwödiauer, G., Wäscher, G. (2000) Operations Research Proceedings 1999, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Ziems, D. (1999) Logistiknetzwerke: Planen, Realisieren, Bewerten, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Schenk, M., Ziems, D. (1998) Logistikplanung: Methoden, Werkzeuge, Potentiale, Logisch GmbH, Magdeburg
  • Inderfurth, K., Günther, H.-O. (1997) Production and Logistics, Special Issue of Operations Research Spektrum, Vol. 19., No. 2, Springer, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K., Schnieder, A., Thöne, D. (1983) Ein praxisorientiertes Stücklistenkonzept für die Konfektionsindustrie, Eigenverlag der Forschungsgemeinschaft Bekleidungsindustrie, Berlin
  • Inderfurth, K. (1982) Starre und flexible Investitionsplanung, Gabler-Verlag, Wiesbaden
  • Inderfurth, K. (1977) Zur Güte linearer Entscheidungsregeln in Produktions-Lagerhaltungs-Modellen, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen



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